Mangpaat sareng ngolah mineral bauxite sareng feldspar

Bauxite mangrupikeun batu sédimén anu beunghar ku alumina, dasarna pikeun ngadamel aluminium. It is generally easy to mine because it is found near the surface of the terrain. Sanajan, the process of separating the alumina from the other base elements in bauxite can be environmentally unfriendly.

Pikeun pemurnian bauxite prosés Bayer-éta misahkeun alumina berharga tina bahan sakitarna ngalibatkeun bahan kaustik, suhu luhur, sareng tekanan. Aliran runtah anu dihasilkeun, utamina tina bauxite, nyaéta bubur anu umumna dikenal salaku "leutak beureum,”Anu kedah dijaga dina nyepeng kolam dugi ka karacunan larutanana dinetralisir. Leutak beureum tiasa gaduh pangaruh lingkungan anu parah upami nahan kolam gagal sareng solusina dileupaskeun ka saluran cai lokal.

Pikeun ngaleutikan produksi leutak beureum sareng ekstrak langkung seueur alumina dina awal prosés, ST Equipment & téhnologi urang pemisah sabuk tribo-éléktrostatik can be used prior to the Bayer process. It removes silicates from bauxite and increases available alumina from finely ground bauxite. Hasilna nyaéta pamulihan jumlah alumina anu langkung ageung, handap ngagunakeun soda kaustik mahal, and a reduced need for red mud-holding ponds. A reduction in the amount of energy needed during the Bayer process to heat and pressurize the mined materials.

ST Equipment & SEPARATOR sabuk téknologi ogé épisién pisan énergi. It can process a large amount of feed material per hour. It is small enough to be used on-site at refining operations, ngirangan biaya pengiriman.

Istilah sanésna, anjeun bakal ngahémat artos dina pamrosésan, making more money on the additional alumina. You’ll be pulling from the feed material, and you can present your mining company as an eco-friendly operation. It goes a long way toward building a good reputation with the locals.