ST Equipment & Téknologi ngagunakeun éléktrostatik pikeun ngahasilkeun koproduk pakan nilai tambah tina industri étanol

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electrostatics to produce value-added feed coproducts from the ethanol industrySalaku margina dina produk étanol ngenceng atanapi ngaleungit, seueur produsen étanol milih fokus dina nyiptakeun nilai tina koproduk. Séri sulingan garing kalayan leyur (DDGS) have long been an undervalued coproduct. Tapi at 28 ka 32 persén protéin, ngandung teuing protéin pikeun ngémutan nilai pinuh ku feed ruminant, bari dina waktos anu suda teuing protéin anu dimanfaatkeun dina babandingan substitusi anu tinggi pikeun feed monogastric sapertos akuakultur, swine, and poultry.

This is a common challenge across the animal feed industry and represents a huge opportunity in the field of precision animal nutrition, dihartikeun salaku masihan sato sareng pakan anu leres-leres nyumponan syarat gizi. Kasempetan séjén, such as the rapid growth of aquaculture and the high cost and limited availability of fish meals, nguatkeun trend pasar ieu.

Ethanol production process

Garing, Wet, and Electrostatics cikeneh, multiple technologies have entered the market to address the need to generate high-protein coproducts. These technologies can be classified into two segments: jalma-jalma anu terintegrasi sareng prosés produksi étanol sareng beroperasi dina aliran prosés baseuh. And those that occur after the ethanol production process and operate on dry process streams. The wet technologies often utilize combination of separation methods that rely on particle size modification such as grinding, pamisahan ukuran partikel sapertos tapis atanapi saringan, sareng kapadetan misah sapertos misahkeun siklon pikeun misahkeun kapang tina serat tutuwuhan. These systems may be before or after the fermentation stage. Sanajan, the separation of protein from fiber occurs before distillers grains are dried. These wet systems are integrated into ethanol process and therefore operate simultaneously with ethanol plant.

Sabalikna, dry processing methods are independent of the ethanol production process sareng gantina beroperasi dina aliran DDGS langsung. Sistem sapertos kitu sering ngagunakeun grinding, air classification, or dry sieving. Hiji pendekatan novél nganggo pipisahan éléktrostatik pikeun ngahasilkeun DDGS protéin tinggi ku cara ngaleungitkeun serat dina bébas cai, prosés back-end anu leupas tina prosés produksi étanol.


Éléktrostatik mangrupikeun kajadian anu ampir sadayana parantos ngalaman heula-tangan dina kahirupan sadidinten, tapi saeutik anu ngalaman dina setting industri. It is the effect of rubbing a balloon on a person’s hair. Nalika balon karét ngahubungi rambut manusa, éta ngaluarkeun éléktron tina rambut. Ieu kusabab karét sareng kaseueuran polimér ngagaduhan éléktronegativitas anu luhur (karaketan pikeun éléktron). Balon ditingalkeun ku muatan négatip net, sanggeus akumulasi éléktron tambahan, sareng rambut subjek urang ngagaduhan muatan anu positip. Electrical charges repel each other, janten rambut subjek urang nangtung dina upaya maksimalkeun pungsi jarak antara untaian rambut anu positip sanés.

Dina kasus DDGS, protein and fiber acquire opposite electrical charges upon contact with each other, allowing them to be separated from each other in a high-strength electric field.

Tumuwuh Perhatosan

Electrostatics is not a new phenomenon and has a large number of real-world and industrial applications. Pamisahan éléktrostatik has been used by selected industries for many years. In mineral processing and recycling applications, pipisahan éléktrostatik parantos dianggo komérsial sahenteuna 50 taun. Misahkeun éléktrostatik bahan dumasar-pepelakan parantos ditalungtik langkung 140 taun, sareng patén anu munggaran pikeun pamisahan éléktrostatik tina middling tipung gandum diarsipkeun ti saprak 1880.

cikeneh, ngolah éléktrostatik nampi perhatian pisan salaku padika konséntrasi protéin pepelakan. Kamekaran ieu parantos gancang dina waktos kapengker 10 ka 20 taun, sareng seueur universitas riset di Éropa sareng Amérika Serikat. nerapkeun téhnik pemisahan éléktrostatik kana rupa-rupa bahan kaasup DDGS, hidangan oilseed, sareng protéin kacang polong sareng pulsa. Ti ieu panalungtikan nya, nya eta bukti yen metoda éléktrostatik boga potensi pikeun ngahasilkeun anyar, bahan protéin tutuwuhan nilai luhur, sareng nawiskeun alternatif pikeun metode ngolah baseuh.

Métode pipisahan éléktrostatik nawiskeun kaunggulan tibatan metode pemisahan baseuh, kalebet biaya sareng kalenturan operasional tina prosés produksi étanol. Métode pipisahan éléktrostatik ogé nawiskeun kaunggulan anu henteu meryogikeun bahan kimia atanapi cai. That makes cleaning easier since the rate of bacterial growth is reduced in dry products. Sareng pipisahan éléktrostatik hampang, sabab éta henteu ngarobih fungsionalitas protéin asli.

High protine coproducts

Abong sareng tuangeun

ST Equipment & Téknologi parantos ngagunakeun pamisahan éléktrostatik dina aplikasi industri ti saprak 1995. It is used to process fly ash from coal power plants. di luhur 20 jutaan ton lebu laleur produk parantos diolah ku pamisah STET anu dipasang di U.S. nyalira.

Sanaos ka sababaraha, repurposing technology to process fly ash (mineral aluminosilicate herang sésana tina ngaduruk batubara pikeun kakuatan) konséntrasi protéin tutuwuhan ti DDGS sigana aneh. In truth, pasar DDGS sareng pasar lebu ngapung gaduh seueur kamiripan anu sami. Pikeun ngamimitian, both products are generated in large volumes in the U.S. With an estimated 36 million metric tons of distillers grains produced by the U.S. industri étanol di 2019. Ku ngabandingkeun, anu US. industri listrik batubara dihasilkeun di sakitar 35 juta métrik ton abu ngapung di 2017. Duanana produk dijual dina margina murah. Their value is highly dependent on processing and transporting large volumes at low costs.

Both DDGS and fly ash ultimately derive their value from displacing other higher-cost materials. Lebu lebu gaganti semén, the most expensive component in ready-mix concrete. DDGS bersaing sareng sumber protéin sanés sapertos kécap, canola, and sunflower meal, antara séjén.

DDGS and fly ash have to make the journey from low-value waste stream to value-added coproduct. Fly ash was long considered a waste product. To be landfilled until low-cost technologies enabled it to be recycled as a value-added component in ready-mix concrete. DDGS parantos ngadamel évolusi anu sami, from being considered a low-value feed material to becoming a manufactured feed ingredient. It is globally exported and increasingly sold under trademarked names with an emphasis on quality and consistency.


Pamustunganana, it looks likely that the long-term trend of maximizing the value of ethanol coproducts, kaasup séréal sulingan, bakal teraskeun. Téknologi pamrosésan bakal tetep kritis pikeun ngamaksimalkeun kinerja téknis koproduk protéin. oge, shaping their value-creation potential for the ethanol industry.

Téknologi ieu bakal kedah nunjukkeun kinerja anu saluyu, reliabilitas tinggi, low cost, and rapid return of capital to end users. Taros Kami now for more information.