Odala Earth Tsiku!

Doing more with the resources we have available.

Pasabata, April 22na-, dziko chikondwerero Tsiku Earth. Linayamba 1970 ndipo wakhala pachaka chibwenzi anati tsiku lomwelo, where various events are held to show support for environmental protection. panopa, it is recognized in 193 countries around the globe.

cha ku Switzerland Zida & Technology thinks environmental protection is important, kwambiri. It’s one of the reasons we created our proprietary triboelectrostatic belt separation process and found a way to apply its benefits to the Feed & mafakitale Food.

How is this beneficial to both your business and the environment? Our process is:

ST Equipment & Technology

  • magetsi, choncho tingathe kukwanitsa mphamvu katundu lalikulu ndi pokonza iwo mofulumira, popanda wolemetsa kwa gululi magetsi.
  • A ndondomeko youma, amene kumatha kufunika kwa madzi abwino. Mosiyana ndi njira muyezo electrostatic kulekana, luso triboelectrostatic akuwatsimikizira tinthu kukula osiyanasiyana pansi kwa mlingo bwino yekha njira flotation anachita bwino m'mbuyomu.
  • Anakhoza kukokera mfundo zofunika kwambiri zimene panopa processing (ndi zinyalala anu mitsinje) kukuuzani sukulu zosiyanasiyana mankhwala osiyanasiyana zamitundu tinthu mkati yemweyo kusintha ntchito wagawo, providing you with a greater number of products to sell with a lot less waste being thrown away. Many other electrostatic technologies are not suitable for processing finely ground, otsika kachulukidwe ufa kuchokera ku zipangizo chomera.
  • yaying'ono, choncho angagwiritsidwe ntchito pa malo popanda kugwiritsa ntchito mafuta owonjezera pa kayendetsedwe ka zinthu malo anu malo processing.

kotero, in commemorating Earth Day, and every day, our process is better for the environment, better for your operation, and better for your bottom line. Contact us and let’s talk about what we can do to make you more green—in more ways than one.