Smart Feed & Voedsel

Digging deeper to get more from your feed and food processes.

Strenge winters herinneren ons eraan dat we moeten maken de meeste van onze beschikbare middelen om rendabel te houden na de oogst, vooral tijdens de maanden wanneer restantjes slank zijn. Natuurlijk, you can import feed from foreign suppliers, but the taxes and shipping fees can add up quickly.

That’s where quality separation processes make the difference. Surprisingly, electrostatic static separation of wheat flour middlings have been around for more than 130 jaar. But the previously used methods can’t hold a candle to what you can separate and recover from your feed streams when using the proprietary triboelectrostatic process developed by ST Equipment & Technologie.

All electrostatic separation systems work to electrically charge the material coming through, separating the differently charged particles, then collecting the resulting materials. Electrocstatic methods have the potential to generate new, hogere waarde plantaardige producten, of een alternatief NAT verwerkingsmethoden bieden, but many electrostatic technologies are not suitable for processing finely ground, poeders met lage dichtheid uit plantaardige materialen.

ST apparatuur & Technology’s triboelectrostatic belt separator is proficient at processing very fine particles, even at a high rate of speed, waardoor het een veel beter alternatief is op een gecommercialiseerde schaal. Plus, our process is environmentally friendly, using a very small amount of energy to process a very large feed of material per hour.

The result is a greater number of grades of grain and other materials to provide you with more sellable product from your current input. And of course, more for less is not only good for your profit margins, it’s better for the environment, making sure that every usable product from your feed is utilized.

Contacteer ons and let’s talk about how we can make you more profitable in addition to making you a good corporate citizen. It’s a win/win situation.