Kom marges sou pwodwi etanol sere oswa disparet, anpil pwodikte etanol chwazi pou konsantre sou kreyasyon vale nan kowodwi. grenn distil sech ak solib (DDG) have long been an undervalued coproduct. Men, nan 28 pou 32 pwoteyin pousan, li gen twop pwoteyin pou reyalize vale plen li kom manje ruminant, pandan ke an menm tan an yo te two ba nan pwoteyin yo dwe itilize nan ratios sibstitisyon segonde pou monogastric feeds tankou akwakilti, swine, and poultry.
This is a common challenge across the animal feed industry and represents a huge opportunity in the field of precision animal nutrition, defini kom bay yon Bet ki gen manje ki jisteman satisfe kondisyon nitrisyonel li yo. Lot opotinite, such as the rapid growth of aquaculture and the high cost and limited availability of fish meals, ranfose tandans mache sa a.
Sèk, Wet, and Electrostatics Depi kèk tan, multiple technologies have entered the market to address the need to generate high-protein coproducts. These technologies can be classified into two segments: moun ki entegre ak pwosesis pwodiksyon etanol la ak opere sou sous dlo mouye. And those that occur after the ethanol production process and operate on dry process streams. The wet technologies often utilize combination of separation methods that rely on particle size modification such as grinding, gwose patikil Segregasyon tankou filtraj oswa depistaj, ak separasyon dansite tankou separasyon siklon pou separe leven soti nan fib plant. These systems may be before or after the fermentation stage. Sepandan, the separation of protein from fiber occurs before distillers grains are dried. These wet systems are integrated into ethanol process and therefore operate simultaneously with ethanol plant.
Pa kontras, dry processing methods are independent of the ethanol production process e olye pou yo opere sou ravin DDGS direkteman. Sistem sa yo souvan itilize fanm ki ap pile, air classification, or dry sieving. One novel approach uses electrostatic separation to generate high-protein DDGS by removing fiber in an entirely water-free, pwosesis tounen-fen ki endepandan de pwosesis la pwodiksyon etanol.
Electrostatics se yon fenomen ki preske tout moun te gen eksperyans premye men nan lavi chak jou, Men kek moun te rankontre nan yon anviwonman endistriyel. It is the effect of rubbing a balloon on a person’s hair. Kom blad yo te vini nan kontak ak cheve imen, li retire elektwon nan cheve. Sa a se paske kawotchou ak pi polymers gen yon electronegativity segonde (dispozisyon pou elektwon). Blad a rete ak yon chaj negatif net, te akimile elektwon siplemante a, e cheve sije a gen yon chaj pozitif. Electrical charges repel each other, Se konsa, cheve sije a kanpe sou fen nan yon efo yo maksimize distans ki genyen ant lot pozitivman chaje strands cheve.
Nan ka DDGS, protein and fiber acquire opposite electrical charges upon contact with each other, allowing them to be separated from each other in a high-strength electric field.
Electrostatics is not a new phenomenon and has a large number of real-world and industrial applications. Separasyon elektwostatik has been used by selected industries for many years. In mineral processing and recycling applications, separasyon elektwostatik te nan itilize komesyal pou omwen 50 ane. Electrostatic separasyon nan materyel plant ki baze sou te envestige pou plis 140 ane, ak patant nan premye pou separasyon elektwostatik nan ble farin middlings ranpli osi bone ke 1880.
Depi kèk tan, pwosesis elektwostatik te resevwa yon gwo zafe atansyon kom yon metod pou konsantre pwoteyin plant. Devlopman sa a akselere nan lepase 10 pou 20 ane, ak anpil inivesite rechech nan Ewop ak Etazini. aplike teknik separasyon elektwostatik nan yon gran varyete materyel ki gen ladan DDGS, manje oilseed, e pwa frans ak batman ke pwoteyin. Nan rechech sa a, li evidan ke metod elektwostatik gen potansyel pou jenere nouvo, engredyan pwoteyin pi wo vale ak pwodwi yo, epi li ofri yon altenatif pou mouye metod pwosesis.
Metod separasyon elektwostatik ofri avantaj sou metod separasyon mouye, ki gen ladan pri ak fleksibilite operasyonel soti nan pwosesis la pwodiksyon etanol. Metod separasyon elektwostatik yo ofri tou avantaj ki genyen nan egzije pa gen okenn pwodwi chimik oswa dlo. That makes cleaning easier since the rate of bacterial growth is reduced in dry products. Elektwostatik separasyon se grav, nan ke li pa chanje fonctionnalités nan pwoteyin natif natal la.
Sen ekipman & Teknoloji te itilize separasyon elektwostatik nan aplikasyon endistriyel depi 1995. It is used to process fly ash from coal power plants. Sou 20 milyon ton pwodwi vole sann yo te trete pa separateur stet yo enstale nan Etazini. Poukont.
Malgre kek, repurposing technology to process fly ash (yon glassy mineral aluminosilicate te kite soti nan boule chabon pou pouvwa) konsantre pwoteyin plant soti nan DDGS ka sanble etranj. In truth, mache a DDGS ak mache a sann vole pataje yon kantite lajan etone nan resanblans. Pou komanse, both products are generated in large volumes in the U.S. With an estimated 36 million metric tons of distillers grains produced by the U.S. etanol endistri nan 2019. Pa konparezon, Etazini. endistri chabon-pouvwa pwodwi alantou 35 milyon metrik Ton vole sann nan 2017. Tou de pwodwi yo vann nan marges ki ba. Their value is highly dependent on processing and transporting large volumes at low costs.
Both DDGS and fly ash ultimately derive their value from displacing other higher-cost materials. Vole sann ranplasan pou siman, the most expensive component in ready-mix concrete. DDGS competes ak lot sous pwoteyin tankou soya, kannal bouton, and sunflower meal, pami lot moun.
DDGS and fly ash have to make the journey from low-value waste stream to value-added coproduct. Fly ash was long considered a waste product. To be landfilled until low-cost technologies enabled it to be recycled as a value-added component in ready-mix concrete. DDGS te fe yon evolisyon menm jan an, from being considered a low-value feed material to becoming a manufactured feed ingredient. It is globally exported and increasingly sold under trademarked names with an emphasis on quality and consistency.
Finalman, it looks likely that the long-term trend of maximizing the value of ethanol coproducts, ki gen ladan distillers grenn, pwal kontinye. Teknoloji pwosesis ap kontinye gen kritik pou maksimize pefomans teknik nan pwoteyin coproducts. Also, shaping their value-creation potential for the ethanol industry.
Teknoloji sa yo ap bezwen demontre pefomans konsistan, wo fyab, low cost, and rapid return of capital to end users. Kontakte nou now for more information.