by ST Tech | Feb 12, 2018 | Fly Ash, News
Love is in the air, thanks to Valentine’s Day occurring this month. Most people believe that Valentine’s Day was created by greeting card companies in order to increase sales, but in reality Valentine’s Day was created to commemorate St. Valentine, who reportedly...
by ST Tech | Jan 22, 2018 | Feed & Food, News
Harsh winters remind us that we need to make the most of our available resources to keep profitable after the harvest, especially during months when pickings are slim. Of course, you can import feed from foreign suppliers, but the taxes and shipping fees can add up...
by ST Tech | Jan 15, 2018 | Feed & Food, Fly Ash, Mineral, News
The beginning of a New Year usually starts with thoughts of resolutions such as: What would I like to accomplish this year that I didn’t get to last year? What do I need change to accomplish my goals? How do I get started? If your New Year’s resolution for 2018 is to...
by ST Tech | Dec 18, 2017 | Fly Ash, News
When ST Equipment & Technology was founded as Separation Technologies (ST) in 1989, we had no idea how many different applications we’d be able to find for our proprietary electrostatic separation process. In fact, the equipment and technology business spun off...
by ST Tech | Dec 12, 2017 | Feed & Food, Fly Ash, Mineral, News
Who doesn’t like free samples? Now you can find out for free with our small characterization analysis that we’re offering to our current customers. Simply send us a sample of your mined material (up to 1 kilogram) and we’ll evaluate if it’s a good candidate for...
by ST Tech | Nov 30, 2017 | Feed & Food, Fly Ash, Mineral, News
With ST Equipment & Technology’s proprietary triboelectrostatic belt separator process we reclaim more from what you are currently processing. This method provides you with myriad levels of your final product, because we produce different grades with a wide...